Just as we seek out a medical doctor for problems, we should be able to seek out a professional wellness or anti-aging nutritional specialist. This is always less toxic and has none of the side-effects that most medicines have. MD's are trained in medicine not in nutrition. Remember medicine is what you take when you're sick.
What should you do to promote prevention, optimal health and longevity? Come to our professional practice and vitamin store. Allow us to sort out all of the hype and misinformation you are bombarded with daily. We help you select the safest and best supplements for your own unique needs.
"Hi, I try to practice what I preach. I was a sickly kid coming close to death at nine months of age and again at seven years when my appendix burst. I suffered severe asthma until my teen years. I started getting migraines at 11 years of age. My asthma seemed to subside during my teen years but returned in my early 20's.
A Fresh New Concept In Health Stores!
New York Life Extension Center
1942 E 8 St - Between Aves S&T, Brooklyn, NY 11223
11-6 WEEKDAYS 11-5 SAT 718 376-8317
New York Life Extension Center - 1942 E8 Street Brooklyn NY - 718 376-8317
Worried and remembering how I once struggled to breath, I read everything I could get my hands on about nutrition and took many nutrition seminars before actually going for my second Masters in Bio-Nutrition. I needed help, and the right supplements worked.
I've been asthma-free for 35 years and my migraines are also completely gone. In 1987 I decided to share my knowledge with the public and help people achieve optimal health and longevity so I opened the New York Life Extension Center.
Over the last 35 years I've helped people with all sorts of health conditions, from body builders to AIDS and Cancer patients. I've seen cholesterol drop 100 points in a month on our program without any drugs. I've seen diabetics with blood sugar levels of 300 on drugs drop to below 100 without drugs. With that in mind here is my personal promise - with the right diet and supplements, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!"